Thailand real estate information
We understand that without good solid information the Thai real estate market can seem a very daunting and confusing option. We have a wealth of experience and have most probably encountered, and dealt with, the questions that you may need answered. Here we would like to try and pre-empt any questions that you might have.
Things which might be confusing such as:-
Thailand land measurements
Rai, Ngan and Tarang wah
Thailand land deeds
‘real’ deeds
Nor Sor Sam, Nor Sor Sam Gor, Chanot – all perfectly alright to buy or rent
lesser deeds
Por Bor Tor 5, Sor Kor Nung, etc – basically deeds that are not worth looking at for a non Thai
Thailand land holding options
In Thailand there are two common approaches to holding land for ones use as a non Thai – leasehold (renting), and also via a Thai registered company (juristic person).
This option is totally legal in the Thai legal system for a non Thai. Over three years in duration, the lease interest is entered on the back of the land deed, Nor Sor Sam, Nor Sor Sam Gor and Chanot only. This is then registered at the local land department office.
The drawbacks of the land lease/rent approach is that under statutory Thai law residential leases are limited to a maximum of 30 years. This is rather limiting if you are looking to leave your investment to your loved ones in the future.